Connection is the foundation of all effective communication, and thus all storytelling. There are some major difficulties with connecting to your audiences, though. Audiences are plural, meaning there are more than one, and they all have different thoughts, feelings, prejudices, and backgrounds. Speaking to only one will almost always alienate another, and speaking to multiples in different ways at different times can backfire. The challenge is to find a way to seamlessly break down barriers between yourself and your audiences, while also minimizing the tensions between those audiences. In this case, notice how groups who are often antagonistic (doctors, patients, nurses, service staff, administration, insurance companies, families) are connected.
This video was made by Cleveland Clinic in 2013. There are a few things that make it notable. One is the beautiful high production quality of the film, which is also not difficult to achieve due to the lack of dialogue and the use of non-professional actors for brief periods. (The shots, though, require a professional camera crew.) The second major quality is the use of effective post-production, including the words incorporated into the film and the seamlessly timed editing. The third, however, is the connection. Everyone is humanized here, everyone has a story, and we can connect to almost all of them. Connection is perhaps the most important thing you can do with your communication skills. It requires sensitivity and trust. This is even more so for contexts we associate with negativity, and nothing is more culturally negative than hospital settings.